Samsung Galaxy J4 Core vs. Samsung Galaxy J2 Core – Best Design and Specs Comparison

Today we are going to compare the Samsung Galaxy J4 Core and the Samsung Galaxy J2 Core. It is quite unusual to see Samsung release two Android Go smartphones, and…

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Oops, Samsung Did It Again: Uses Another DSLR Photo To Promote A Phone Camera

Remember when Samsung promoted its display while tweeting from an iPhone? Well, now the company did something similar, bit a bit worse, according to our opinion. Pretending it’s their photo…

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Samsung Is Promoting Its Galaxy Note 9 On Twitter, But While Tweeting From An iPhone

9to5Mac comes with some fun news. It seems that the past weekend marks that latest case of a company which decided to promote its high-quality products by tweeting an ad…

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Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro Comes with Android Oreo – Screens Become Unresponsive

It appears that the Android Oreo update came with some issues for the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro units. It appears that there is one major problem, and no solution was…

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Samsung Foldable Phone Will Finally Be Available Next Year

This Wednesday, Samsung fans finally got a glimpse on the company’s foldable phone. The announcement was made at the company’s developers fifth annual conference. The event took place this Wednesday…

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