November 2023

The World’s Most Detailed Map Of The Human Body Is In The Works

The Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP) was announced last year by the National Institues of Health. This map will be the most detailed 3D map of the human body that should show how our cells work. Last Wednesday a first set of grants was publicized. There are multiple research teams all around the world. “We […]

The World’s Most Detailed Map Of The Human Body Is In The Works Read More »

By 2028 We’ll Have a Base on Mars

Elon Musk’s company, called SpaceX is building an enormous, reusable rocket-spaceship called the BFR to enable our species to investigate and find out more about Earth’s moon, Mars and different universes all through the close planetary system. The extremely rich business visionary’s long-haul vision includes the foundation of a million-man city on the Red Planet

By 2028 We’ll Have a Base on Mars Read More »

New theory reveal the Mars’ Moons were born as a result of a huge impact

Mars has two tiny moons and they have been wrecking the scientists’ brain for decades as they were trying to explain their origin. A new study has surfaced and it is based on old data, apparently confirming one of the two major hypotheses regarding the fate of the moons of Mars. Phobos and Deimos are

New theory reveal the Mars’ Moons were born as a result of a huge impact Read More »

Some Addictions may be Caused by an Ancient Virus that Lurks in our Genes

A retrovirus infected our precursors eons ago, and a recent study notes that traces of the retrovirus that can be found in the genome of select individuals may silently ‘’nudge’’ them to become addicted. Traces of a retrovirus called HK2 are often found in the genetic structures of people addicted to drugs, in comparison to

Some Addictions may be Caused by an Ancient Virus that Lurks in our Genes Read More »

A Popular Weed Killer could be Responsible for Bee Deaths

It looks like scientists have finally managed to find a link between the world’s most common weed killer and the increasing number of bee deaths. According to a recent study, conducted by researchers from The University of Texas at Austin, glyphosate, which is the active component of Roundup, destroys some good bacteria in bees’ guts,

A Popular Weed Killer could be Responsible for Bee Deaths Read More »

Moderate Growth Rate Predicted for the Probiotics Market by 2024

Nowadays there is a trend amongst companies responsible for developing probiotics to invest a lot of resources in the innovative research in this domain. A good example is OptiBiotix, who agreed a deal with IPA (International Probiotics Association) to get access to the recent developments and upcoming advances when it comes to probiotics. Moreover, they

Moderate Growth Rate Predicted for the Probiotics Market by 2024 Read More »

NASA Managed to Capture on Film Rare Electric Blue Clouds

NASA launched a balloon to travel across the Arctic skies and it managed to capture some incredible images featuring rare blue clouds. These clouds are apparently formed when ice crystals interact with pieces of broken meteors. Scientifically, they are called noctilucent clouds or PMCs (polar mesospheric clouds). By studying them, scientists can better understand turbulence

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