It seems that we’ll all be able soon to pull a so-called Mark Zuckerberg. At least, one of his moves.
If you recall, back in April, Facebook was slammed after the tech giant retracted Zuckerberg’s messages from recipients’ inboxes.
We’ll also be able to delete messages that we’ve sent via the Messenger app.
The release notes for the latest Messanger app bring good news
These plans for such an unsend option were spotted in the release notes for the latest Messanger app update that has been made available to iOS users.
According to the notes, users will get the opportunity to remove a message within 10 minutes of sending it “if you accidentally send the wrong photo, incorrect information or message the wrong thread.”
The official notes promise that this new feature is on its way and we’ll be able to enjoy it shortly.
There’s no exact date provided on when our phones will embrace this brand new functionality.
Facebook’s plans for this new option were rumors from April and the announcement was made after TechCrunch’s reports that we mentioned above claiming that the platform quietly deleted old messages from its CEO from recipients’ inboxes due to fear of potential hacks and data breaches.
Facebook Messenger is finally working on "Unsend Message" in the app for everyone!
Tip @Techmeme
— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) October 12, 2018
Of course, the news was faced with massive backlash aiming the company and its CEO.
Facebook has been testing the unsend feature internally
TechCrunch was the one to deliver the good news last month when they announced that Facebook is quietly testing this new feature internally. There are also screenshots that are posted on Twitter.
Other apps owned by Facebook already have implemented the unsend feature.
WhatsApp users can delete their messages for up to an hour after they send them, and also Instagram lets us unsend the messages, but they had the functionality implemented since 2013.
For Facebook this new addition comes to complete the app’s “secret conversations” feature – users can choose to make messages expire after a certain period of time.

After finishing Theatrical Journalism at the Faculty of Theatre and Television in Cluj-Napoca, Rada reviewed movies, books, theatre pieces and she also wrote articles from the IT niche as a content editor for software producers. At the moment, she is working with various online advertising firms.