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Fix Videos And Games Not Loading In Chrome

Videos And Games Not Loading

Are your videos and games not loading, whether you’re on YouTube, or playing online games, or any other form of media? Maybe they tend to load for long or very slowly, go blank or show a grey box instead of the intended media? Perhaps Chrome is frozen while you’re loading the media, or it just decided to crash?

While these issues create much anxiety and frustration, you can get them fixed whether you’re using a computer, Android or iOS device, using the steps provided below.

Fix Videos and Games Not Loading In Chrome

For Computer

Try Flash

If you’re on on the site with the video or game, and you see an Adobe flash player error, here’s what to do:

Turn JavaScript On

YouTube videos need JavaScript to run or work properly. If your JavaScript is not
running as it should, do this:

Update Chrome

If you click the ‘more’ (three vertical dots) icon on the top right side of Chrome, you may see an update for Chrome option on the option box. If it isn’t there, then you are on the latest chrome
version. Re-launch Google Chrome and then go back and reload the website.

For Android

Update Google Chrome

Turn on JavaScript

Check your connection

For iOS

Update Chrome

Check your WiFi connection

Exit mobile version