Pokemon Go: Using Incubators, Buddy Pokemon & Candies

Pokemon Go is the only game in the whole world that managed to get everyone out of the house back when it launched.

The game uses innovative AR tech which offers people the opportunity to live their childhood dream and catch Pokemon just like Ash did in the animated series that everyone loved so much and still does.

Pokemon Go is quite a challenging game, and that’s why we’re offering you a few tips and tricks which we thought you might find useful.

Using incubators

Incubators are one of the most important elements in the game because they’re required in order to hatch eggs.

While the “art” of using incubators is an intuitive one, there’s a new tip that players should know about and that’s worth sharing. This will turn out really useful before you start using the incubators.

Some incubators can hatch eggs three times faster, and this is the reason for which players have to make sure to use the boosted ones on 10Km eggs and never on smaller ones.

Using Buddy Pokemon

This is a really cool feature, and the mistake that a lot of new players make is that they use it on popular Pokemon such as Pikachu.

As everyone already knows, some Pokemon are more challenging to find.

Also, finding candies for these rare Pokemon is even much harder. This means that players should not be using the Buddy Pokemon on a popular Pokemon which can be found anywhere.

Save your candy!

Even if it’s tempting to use your candies to boost the level of the very first Pokemon that you find, this is not always a wise move.

The truth is that the higher your XP as a Pokemon trainer gets, the more difficult it becomes to level up.

As a conclusion, the best thing that you can do with your candy is to keep it for higher level Pokemon such as 30+.

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