Bethesda’s boss announces that Fallout 76, The Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield are completely different games

In a recent interview, Pete Hines, Vice President at Bethesda Game Studio, declared that there can be no comparison between their most recent game, Fallout 76 and the ones they’re preparing right now. He decided to mention this because people were very anxious to find out more about the company’s future plans, even though Fallout 76 was released only a few weeks ago.

Bethesda might be having their hands full nowadays, especially because they are getting ready to welcome Fallout 76 with a reception. However, the team from BGS is heading towards a bright future.

Fans are starting to wonder how Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 will look like

Fans seem to like Fallout 76 very much, but this doesn’t keep them from wondering when the next big names from Bethesda’s list will appear. Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 are one of the most requested and awaited games ever developed by Hines’s team. They were announced during E3 2018 and now everybody is anxious to see how they look like.

On the other hand, Bethesda clearly explained the reasons why they announced the games so early. People should get used to Fallout 76 before they meet Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6, because the games are very different and no comparison can be made between them.

A previous reference to the new games mentions that they might not be so keen on the multiplayer mode, like Fallout 76. The gaming community is completely puzzled by this situation, but all they can do is wait and see how these new entertainment trademarks look like.

When they come, Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 will have to face serious competition. It looks like Fallout 76 is very popular among fans.

2 thoughts on “Bethesda’s boss announces that Fallout 76, The Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield are completely different games”

  1. Please hurry with Elder Scrolls 6. I’m 65 years old and not getting any younger. I’d love to be alive when the new one comes out.

  2. Bethesda’s Fallout 76 is one of the worst blunders in video game history, both in terms of finances and general reception. This is evidenced by a quick Google search, “fallout 76 reception”, where one will see almost nothing but grief from fans including YouTube videos of bad/choppy game design. Considering finances, Bethesda is publicly traded under TTWO; you would notice a strong correlation between the value of TTWO stock dropping and the Fallout 76 beta being available (Nov 7, 2018), with an even sharper decline following the game’s official release the next week on November 14th.

    Thank you for reporting Hines’ statement about the comparison between the three games. However, saying that this game was a hit among fans is simply a downright lie aimed at pandering toward naive investors.

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