Vimeo just took things to the next level. The service made waves in the industry with the recent launch of a channel that’s dedicated only to holographic videos.
You will need a Looking Glass Factory display
In order to be able to enjoy it, users will be needing one of Looking Glass Factory’s holographic displays, but the end result is precisely what one would hope for or even more: streaming, glasses-free video with an immersive sense of depth.
“Looking Glass Factory came onto our radar as a company taking a unique approach to creating immersive experiences in the growing, boundary-pushing landscape of immersive mediums (like VR and AR)” Vimeo writes in the official blog post.
The clips presented by Vimeo are just demos, but still, this managed to defeat having to launch applications one at a time in order to see the holographic clips.
“The Looking Glass simply displays a video, albeit a very uniquely designed video. Basically, The Looking Glass “holograms” are a 5×9 grid of a 3D scene, where each view is a slightly different angle,” according to Vimeo.
Producers are now able to upload their very own holographic video, and Vimeo brings a tutorial in order to walk them through the format.
Pricing and availability
Overall, the primary challenge is to buy a holographic display first.
Engadget reports that Looking Glass will be shipping its 8.9-inch holographic display next month for $399, but only to crowdfunding backers who got in early.
The general public will reportedly have to wait for the general availability at a $600 cost.
For 3D creators who wish to have a way to preview and showcase their work, this will be ideal, but for everyday users who just want to sit back and enjoy some holographic effects, it might turn out quite a lot to spend.
Anyway, in the videos from the official blog post, you can check out what streaming video could look like in the future.

After finishing Theatrical Journalism at the Faculty of Theatre and Television in Cluj-Napoca, Rada reviewed movies, books, theatre pieces and she also wrote articles from the IT niche as a content editor for software producers. At the moment, she is working with various online advertising firms.