Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Caught Fire in a Purse

Samsung has been included in a lawsuit recently because a Galaxy Note 9 owned by a New York real estate agent has ignited in her purse.

The real estate agent declared in the lawsuit that while using her Note 9 it got so hot she could not hold it, so she placed it in her purse. Little did she now that such a move would result in the phone beginning to smoke.

After seeing what was happening, she got everything out of the purse, but the fire could not be stopped. An onlooker came to her for help and using a cloth picked the Note 9 and threw it away.

The Note 7 had some battery problems two years ago so this incident of the Note 9 spread even more quickly.

A Samsung spokesperson was interviewed by MyBroadband, and they mentioned that the company will not overlook this issue and is conducting its own investigation.

The company says that customer safety is their number one priority so this issue will be investigated thoroughly as millions of Galaxy devices are in use.

This is the first such incident to happen since the release of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, and the South Korean company does not risk any issues.

Since the Note 7 was a troubling device, Samsung has been analyzing every bit of its manufacturing and battery placement so the mistakes will never be repeated on another phone.

Because of the issues experienced with the Note 7 the company has also changed its battery provider.

Thanks to this incident many Samsung users are now questioning the safety of this company’s devices, but the concern is not severe yet.

As it was only one report stating an incident including the Note 9 it is still to be seen how it works.

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