Michigan inmate abducts woman

Michigan prison escapee, Michael David Elliot, was caught in La Porte County, Indiana on February 3, 2014. The reasoning for his capture was due to the fact he abducted a woman who was able to call 911.The woman locked herself in the gas station bathroom and dialed 911.

The 911 call was the first sighting of Elliot since he escaped many hours before.

The woman Elliot abducted said that he broke into her parked Jeep. He then proceeded to tell her that he was an escaped prisoner and was convicted for murder. Elliot then threaten her life with a hammer and a box cutter.

The woman then tells the dispatcher that Elliot never harmed her. She then says that Elliot is trying get far away.

By the time police got the gas station Elliot had fled the scene in the woman’s jeep. He was then seen on Interstate 80/90, but police were not sure which way Elliot was going. The woman’s jeep was found in a residential area about 20 miles east of Elkhart.

Elliot wasn’t in the car, but police found him later on that day. When He was caught there were no details available.

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