Most Americans Are Backing Apple’s Demand For Tech Regulation

There has been a recent large-scale survey that announced the fact that the majority of Americans are currently backing Apple’s call for tech regulation. 55% of respondents are fearing that the government will not do enough to regulate tech giants.

Axios commissioned the survey: “Silicon Valley has a big and growing problem: Americans have rising concerns with its most popular products, and a growing majority wants big social media companies regulated, according to a new poll conducted by Survey Monkey for “Axios on HBO.”

Axios continued and explained that the public has eventually become more aware that it ever was of some of the really bad consequences of the technologies that have changed their lives which makes Silicone Valley and social media ripe political and regulatory targets as well.

They also said that in the past, there’d been a 15-point spike in the number of people who fear the federal government will not be doing enough to regulate giant tech companies. 55% of the people are now sharing the concern, Axios believes.

Developments which triggered the reversal of views in terms of tech regulation 

Axios mentioned two developments in general which are probably responsible for the reversal of the views regarding tech regulation.

“The Cambridge Analytica scandal opened consumers’ eyes to data security and privacy concerns around how their information is being shared with other entities.

The YouTube terrorist video scandal showed how easy it is for bad actors to weaponize platforms and algorithms,” Axios notes.

It’s interesting to note that Apple has been just one of the tech companies that have been actively lobbying for a federal privacy law.

Tim Cook suggested that tech regulation is needed

CEO Tim Cook, for instance, suggested that the tech regulation might be needed back in March. After that, he stepped up his calls during the past few months.

“I’m not a pro-regulation guy, but when the free market doesn’t produce a result great for society, you have to ask yourself what we need to do. We’ve got to figure out a way to take it to the next level and change some things,” Cook highlighted.

He recently said again that regulation of tech companies is inevitable.

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