Google’s Android TV Pie: New Leaks and Rumors

Last year we did not have to wait long until Google finally decided to break the silence and offer us more information regarding the ADT-2 Android TV. One of the aspects of this new product from Google is the fact that its development platform will be Android Pie. If you are a developer, you had the chance to receive it for development, but this happened in the first half of 2018. The following months were as silenced as the beginning when in November Google hit it. They announced that the platform would begin shipping “Soon.” Shipping emails began being sent to developers.

The Android TV is one important project for Android Pie, and that is why several useful features are brought to it. However, not many devices got the update. An Android Pie set-top box was showed off by SDMC in September at the International Broadcasting Convention. Before the platform can begin its process with Android Pie, developers would first need to get it. An anonymous tip confirmed us that Google has recently begun sending notices that announce developers that the shipping becomes in the next few weeks. This information can also be seen in reports on Reddit as well.

Despite the fact that the email does not look as official as we would expect, it is still coming from Google. What the email asks for is a confirmation for every developer’s request and the delivery address. Those developer kits are finally being delivered by Google, and we could not be happier. Hopefully, we will see Android TV grow before our eyes this year and that maybe next year we will be able to purchase the product. As it all starts with the developers, all we can hope for at the moment is that they will work hard.

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