Epic Games Might Indeed Snatch Valve’s Triple-A Developers

There’s no secret that the revenue policy of Epic Games is far better than Steam’s, and we are not wrong now to assume Epic Game’s success with their Epic Game Store. Their policy offers publishers a contrasting approach with the possibility to earn more, unlike Steam.

By being listed on Epic Game Store’s, the new exclusives, for example Borderline 3 and many others are just securing the integrity. At this rate, Epic Games is about to reclaim all triple-A titles from Steam, a former Valve developer has stated.

If this happens, Steam might be abated to an indie company which, of course, will become a minor category of a digital reseller than the Epic Games Store. According to Richard Geldreich, a former Valve Developer, the income and tax were untenable for publishers. Somewhat, the high percent (30) was deadening PC gaming. Because of their considerate revenue share policy, the former developer of Valve has placed Epic Games as a hero in this story, saying that they are now fixing it all for all gamers.

Epic Games Might Indeed Snatch Valve’s Triple-A Developers

Despite the fact that Epic Games has a shortage of community-wise options and features, this might cause an overall departure of Triple-A titles from Steam, and publishers will most probably go with the Epic Games offer.

The former Valve Developer, Richard Geldreich twitted on his social media page that the exclusives will keep flooding into the supply of Epic Games and it won’t stop in the near future.

Richard Geldreich believes that the Epic Game Store will still be the prime choice of many triple-A developers or publishers, although the Epic Game Store has a shortage of features. All this because of a single thing: the revenue share policy that Epic Game has implemented.

The only reason guiding the publishers in their choice should be money, and not even the fact that Steam is more robust than Epic Games Store.

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