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Americans Think that Antibiotics are the Most Efficient Treatment Even for a Common Cold

Americans Think that Antibiotics are the Most Efficient Treatment Even for a Common Cold

It looks like Americans don’t really like their doctors when MD’s don’t prescribe them antibiotics for every minor health issue. If patients don’t get what they want, the doctor could receive bad reviews and even end up with a bad reputation.

A study recently published shows that patients are happier and more confident when they receive antibiotics treatment even for small respiratory tract issues, like a common cold. In this case, they wouldn’t need antibiotics, but people would rather use them instead of other drugs which they don’t consider so efficient.

Physicians say that sometimes they prescribe antibiotics without explaining why they shouldn’t

American patients are using telemedicine services more and more. This means that doctors have to talk to more people every day. In this case, it’s un-appropriate to prescribe antibiotics without collecting biological samples and see if the patient really needs this treatment. However, patients insist with the idea that they should receive antibiotics.

People should consider the fact that, if they use antibiotics for respiratory tract infections, which are mostly viral, they could experience some side effects like diarrhea or other intestinal problems. Furthermore, they could develop an antibiotics resistance and, in this case, the drugs wouldn’t be efficient in case they really need it for a serious infection.

It’s recommended that before you turn to such risky solutions as antibiotics and their many side effects, you seek in-depth advice regarding all potential outcomes. Even the choice of hopping in the medication wagon and picking up the first strong drug that “people use” is an issue itself; that’s why you’re better off talking to a specialist. You will find all the help you need regarding modern treatments and more on BetterHelp. Always turn to specialists whose approaches are backed by the vast experience and various treatment approaches.

Why do doctors prescribe antibiotics when this is not necessary?

Dr. Kathryn A. Martinez says that, most of the times, physicians would prescribe antibiotics even if people don’t need them in order to keep their satisfaction rating up. It looks like doctors who don’t follow their patients’ requests receive bad reviews and low grades when it comes to measuring the service quality.

The solution could be to prescribe incentives, which are efficient in respiratory tract infections. Dr. Martinez added that, in order to protect doctors from angry patients, they shouldn’t be allowed to give reviews concerning the treatment received for viral infections.

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