Miami Morning Star

Samsung Foldable Phone Will Finally Be Available Next Year

This Wednesday, Samsung fans finally got a glimpse on the company’s foldable phone. The announcement was made at the company’s developers fifth annual conference.

The event took place this Wednesday and Thursday at a hotel in San Francisco. On this occasion, developers announced that the handset will go into the mass production process during the following months.

The new smartphone is expected to be released next year

The phone was presented by Justin Denison, senior vice president at Samsung Mobile’s  Marketing department. The audience was excited to see that the new smartphone is actually a 2-in-1 device. The moderator presented a tablet when the gadget was open and a phone when the device was closed.

This outstanding capacity is brought by Infinity Flex Display, a new technology that allows the user to open and close the smartphone on every use without causing any damage. Of course, this is not the final version. Until it’s launched, the prototype can be modified. Denison added that the final product’s success or failure depends on how well the company will finish design and technical specs.

Apart from foldability, the smartphone will come with other awesome features

Firstly, the handset will be capable of running up to three apps at once. This spec is called Samsung calls Multi Active Window. The company knows that even top-notch technology can be improved, so now they are working on stretchable and rolling displays.

Jisun Park, engineering director at Samsung declared that they want the foldable smartphone to have a battery with long life, just like those from the Galaxy line. It remains to be seen how they will make the battery last longer since the display will be large than other phones.

Even if we found out how the foldable phone looks like, there are still a lot of questions around it. We can find out the answer in 2019, when the phone will be launched.

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