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Trump says he authorized White House staff to cooperate with Mueller

President Donald Trump said Saturday he had authorized White House lawyer Don McGahn and other presidential staff to “fully cooperate” in the investigation into suspicions of collusion between his campaign and Russia.

Trump’s announcement on Twitter came after the New York Times reported that McGahn has “largely cooperated” with Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation in at least three interviews with investigators with a total duration of 30 hours.

“I have allowed White House lawyer Don McGahn, and all other White House staff, to cooperate fully with the special prosecutor,” Trump said.

“In addition, we delivered more than one million pages of documents immediately. What is most transparent in history. No collusion. No obstruction. Witch hunt! Added the president.

Mr. Trump has denied from the beginning the accusations, brought by his opponents, of collusion of his 2016 campaign team with Russian officials and obstruction of justice. He regards the Special Prosecutor’s investigation as a machination against his presidency and calls for it to end.

According to the New York Times , which relies on many sources, including former and current officials, Mr. McGahn provided “detailed accounts” of episodes as to whether Mr. Trump sought to obstruction of justice.

According to the daily, Mr. McGahn’s statements include alleged attempts by Mr. Trump to sack Mr. Mueller and the president’s statements and actions when he dismissed FBI director James Comey.

Trump’s tweet that he allowed McGahn to cooperate wholeheartedly comes at a time when the New York Times doubted the president was aware of his level of cooperation.

The paper pointed out that it was rare for a lawyer to be so open with the investigators.

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