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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Gets A New DLC Character – Joker From Persona 5

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has been one of the most popular games for the Nintendo Switch and fans will have the option to smash their competition with a new character. Nintendo has a strong reputation when it comes to meaningful DLC content, and the additional characters offered in past Super Smash Bros. games showcased an incredible dedication to quality and detail.

The true and tried formula remains strong in case of the Joker Challenger Pack, the first of five planned DLC packages that will be released for the game. For some, Joker will seem to be an odd choice since Persona 5, the game from which the character comes from, is a PlayStation exclusive. However, it is likely that many players will fall in love with the beautiful fighting moves and excellent stage.

Even those who are not familiar with the Persona series will be impressed by the exceptional design and excellence of the content included in the package. When it comes to fighting Joker shines, a subtle yet visible red accent underlines the knife attacks while the final smash move is one of the best looking finishers in the series. Small details like the victory screen manage to reference the source material without feeling excessive.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate get Joker from Persona 5 as a DLC character

Some could argue that the fighting style isn’t exactly the most challenging one, but the right mixture of skills makes him an excellent choice for some players types. The fast attacks are paired with a flexible side special, and signature pistol shot that can be used to challenge your opponent creatively. The gun doesn’t carry a deadly punch, but the mobility will allow players to mitigate potential damage.

During the fight, a special meter will be filled as players fight. When it is full Joker will have the option to summon Arsene, his Persona, like a phantom ally which increases his damage and adds some variety to his kit.

The new stage is filled with references to Persona 3, 4, 5 and players will have to option to complete unique battles in the Spirit Board DLC. The pack is available for $6.

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