Miami Morning Star

DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser 5.14.1 Comes With A Survey To Make The App Better

The DuckDuckGo Browser will bring you privacy, simplified. The people from DuckDuckGo really believe that the Internet shouldn’t feel so creepy, and that you should get the privacy you deserve online. Best of all, they think that this fact should be as simple as closing the blinds.

This helpful app will provide you the privacy essentials that you need to seamlessly take control over your personal information as you search and browse the web, no matter where the Internet should take you:

As you continue to search and browse, the DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser will show you a Privacy Grade rating when you visit a website (from A to F). This rating allows you to see how protected you are at just a glance, learn how we enhanced the underlying site’s privacy measures, and dig into the details to see who we caught trying to track you. The Privacy Grade is scored automatically based on the prevalence of hidden tracker networks, encryption availability, and website privacy practices.

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