Miami Morning Star

Clash Royale Tips to Become a Master in 2018

Held at Comic-Con Africa, a 16-year old won the recent qualifier in a convincing final game. John “JDsGameInn-Yo” Hague was given the crowd favorite tag, and now he has proven he deserves it. Based on that award we can say the John “JDsGameInn-Yo” Hague is the champion of Clash Royale at a small age. After the excitement about his trophy faded a little bit, he talked about how he wants to do in the future regarding his esports career and what he thinks about this win.

When asked to explain Clash Royale to a person who is not familiar to the game, John “JDsGameInn-Yo” Hague said that he would first mention that it is not hard to make an addiction out of this game after picking it up. Even though it is a simple game, mastering it can become a difficult goal to achieve. If you destroy the towers of your enemy, then you win the game. The trick is that at the same time you also need to use your troops to protect your own towers. A game sessions last 3 minutes time in which someone needs to destroy someone else’s tower. In case that does not happen, the game session will be dilated to Sudden Death where the first player to go down loses.

Even though the 16-year old does not hear about the competitive scene of Clash Royale for the first time as he has qualified for the tryouts of CRL Europe in the Netherlands, it was not his goal to win. His main focus was not the competitive esports or even gaming, but as life goes by, you enjoy what it wants to give you.

Now John “JDsGameInn-Yo” Hague is the proud owner of a win in an esports competition.

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